Saturday 3 September 2016


  • Space is refers to the distance or area between  around, above, below, or within elements,
  • It is the result of space arrangement.
  • We mostly use both Negative Spacing(also called 'White Spacing') and Positive Spacing regularly in any designing.

Example for usage of White Spacing  


  • Kerning adjust the space between individual letter forms.
  • Kerning becomes more important in italic types, and size of the font increases(such as in headlines). 

  • Tracking involves adjusting the spacing throughout the entire word.
  • Use tracking to change the overall appearance and readability of the text, making it more open and airy or more dense.


  • Leading refers to baselines of successive lines of type. 
  • Leading affects the density of your page, so if your page seems a bit dark, try adding more leading.

Kerning vs Tracking vs Leading

Benefits of Spacing:
  • Giving the rest to the eye.
  • Understanding of anything is easy.
  • Finding anything is easy.
Examples of Spacing:
Spacing between all the chairs

Spacing in coding

Spacing between poles